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Package Deals

Price: $846.00*

Performance Group

bulletFlywheel Weight - Brass - $95.00
bulletEZE-PULL Clutch Modification - $48.00
bulletMagnetic Drain Plug - $15.00
bulletCarburetor Insert, Rebuild, Re-jet - $75.00
bulletReplacement Magneto Inspection Cover - $48.00
bulletChain Roller - $36.00
bulletFoot peg Extensions, welding - $40.00
bulletRear Sprocket - 428x60 tooth, aluminum - $58.00
bullet428HD Chain - 130 links - $32.00
bulletRear Sprocket Bolts - extra length - $9.00/set
bulletRear Sprocket Bolt Locks - $5.25
bulletCountershaft Sprocket - 428x14 tooth - $15.00
bulletCountershaft Sprocket - 428x15 tooth - $15.00
bulletCountershaft Sprocket Nut Lock - $1.75
bulletClutch Cable - $16.00

Performance Group Price: $458.00*

Appearance Group

bulletFront Fender - Modified Reproduction - Metallic Silver - $75.00
bulletFork Brace - $45.00
bulletFork Brace/Front Fender Hardware Set - $16.40
bulletDecal Set - Reproduction - $39.00
bulletRear Fender - Reproduction - Orange - $110.00
bulletRear Fender Hardware Set - $19.45
bulletSide Covers - Reproduction/pair - Orange - $80.00
bulletSide Cover Hardware Set - $7.92
bulletSeat Cover - Reproduction - $38.00

Appearance Group Price: $388.00*

*Represents a 10% discount from List Prices, plus shipping

The above requires that the customer ship the stock foot pegs and carburetor to Matrix Motor Sport for modification. Tanks repairs and painting quoted as required, but also with 10% discounted price. May require up to two weeks to ship.

Copyright © 2014 Matrix Motor Sport
Last modified: 05/26/14